Episode 79: Arsenal w/Christian from Nerds With Friends!

Christian was so great in our ‘Kick Ass’ episode we had to have him back for more! And now we have to pay for his therapy from having to watch this movie. (btw, have I told you about our Patreon page?) Oh, yeah! We watched ‘Arsenal’ this week! For some reason John Cusack is in this, as the white cop wearing a durag who’s absolutely terrible at his job. Is it a sequel or prequel to ‘Deadfall’? Who cares?!

Christian put it best when he said ‘Arsenal’ is like if 2020 were a movie and we agree! Don’t worry, we watched and reviewed this film so you don’t have to!

Check out Nerds With Friends on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7e6yQQrK11huboSX7ZYfrA